Linggo, Marso 16, 2003


This play is probably the finest and best known of the morality plays of the Middle Ages that have come down to us.

At first, I thought that this play “Everyman” would not be interesting, but after I finished watching it I found out that I was wrong.  Although there are some mistakes the actors can overcome it.  It was my first time to watched a play that used the traversed stage.  It’s very hard to watch a play that used the traversed stage because it’s hard to determine the front and back audience.  Like for example I assign to sit at the back of the performers, it’s very hard for me to see their facial expression although I can hear what they trying to say.
I think the play will become more beautiful and more believable if they spend much money in the production design of the stage.  In their props they only used 4 seesaws, I know it help a lot but its not enough. The seesaw was destructing their concentration.  They also used different colors of lights that help to give life to the stage, for me, it would be better if they only used a dark color because the concept of the story is about a death and not a happy one. If also suggest that they should delete the scene of actual smoking, it has a bad effect to the play.
I was so much confused on the entrance and exit that they used.  They enter and exit in different way. 
The character portrays their roles effectively they know how to ad-lib when they commit a mistake. All of them have a quality voice. I admire their unity because there are some characters that play double role.  It’s very hard for them to change their costume every time they alter to another character.  That’s why it would be better if somebody who has not part of the play will take the role.

Generally, the actors perform well but there is some little action that can’t hide the little mistake.